Monday, May 01, 2006

School Reunion

A cracking episode of Doctor Who, with one of the most beautiful lines ever:
Some things are worth getting your heart broken for.

Scott Matthewman has written a great review of School Reunion.

The reasons he likes it are mostly the same ones I do, though I get the impression he'd rate it 11/10 rather than 8/10 as I do! (Though on my rating scale 8/10 is very good, and not many things get higher!)

As he says, the reasons can be put in four words.

Sarah Jane Smith. K9.

BTW - do check the links to the Deffrey Vale High School site and others. Probably the most funny and detailed collection of fake websites so far!

I may add more of my own thoughts on School Reunion later.

For now - just to note there was another Torchwood sighting, as Mickey got a "Torchwood: Access Denied" message as he hunted for UFO info on the defence website he'd hacked into.

And the theme of Godlike power was touched on again.

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Anna Lowman (annawaits) said...

Hey, found your blog from Scott's Place. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this episde! I thought it was beautiful...!

Torchwolf said...

Well, it's nice that someone would love to hear my thoughts. :)

I was in a bit of a hurry, but I might write more later.

You might enjoy the detailed review by my LiveJournal friend Chicklet -